Love and Dating Advice for the Smart Single Young Woman
You Have Time
Many young women eagerly seek relationships because they think that they are going to run out of time. Do you believe that once you reach the age of 30 or 40, you will no longer be wanted or desired? That’s simply not true. There is also a lot of pressure from family and friends who may be getting married. People fall in love at all ages, and if you do connect with someone at 30 or above, you’re likely to be more emotionally mature.
Fools Rush In
Chances are one of the reasons why you are eager to find love is that you are forced to see your friends and loved ones getting married and enjoying their relationships. This may cause you to rush into a relationship with someone who may not be right for you. Many women (and men) do this, which is why the divorce rate is so high and marriage lengths are short. Explore your options, date as much as you can, and get a better understanding of what you want out of a relationship.
Work on You
When you’re eager to find love, this causes you to put all of your focus on finding that perfect someone. But you may start to take the focus off of yourself. Self-care is important. Take care of your mind, body, and spirit so that you improve your mindset and give off positive energy when you’re dating and meeting new people.
Know What You Want and Don’t Be Afraid to Make It Known
When you’re dating, have a clear understanding of what you want out of a relationship. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want, whether it is a serious boyfriend, a husband, or just a new friend. It may not be wise to talk about this on a first date, but as you date more, you should come to know that your love interest is on the same page. Learn early on if the person you are dating has the same goals as you so that you can save yourself time, aggravation, and disappointment.
Eager No More
It is important to have good, positive energy when you’re socializing and dating as a single woman. Be relaxed, not eager, have fun, and always remember to take care of yourself first and foremost.
Posted by Jade
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