Lies We Women Tell Ourselves and Guys When Dating
Here are a few little white lies that we women sometimes tell. The major concern isn’t so much that we’re lying to …
Here are a few little white lies that we women sometimes tell. The major concern isn’t so much that we’re lying to …
Maintaining a friends with benefits relationship may sound great in theory, but in practice it can be a lot more complicated! If …
Tips to determine if you’re in a friends with benefits situation. Friends with benefits relationships can be complicated. Sometimes women find themselves …
A lot of women who find themselves in unsuccessful relationships want to know: “why do I keep dating the same guy over …
When I browse social media sites and come across young women in social settings, I often notice that it seems as if …
Besides the end of year holiday season, there is no other holiday that is quite as depressing for single people of all …
There’s one question that I believe all women of all ages need to ask themselves before they commit their time, heart, energy …
The online dating world presents a number of dilemmas and questions when it comes to proper etiquette. What passes as polite and …
Although online dating has become more commonplace in the new millennium, it still comes with its share of risks — especially for …
Online dating sites are now one of the top places where people connect. Some guys are just on there looking for a …