Preparing for Valentine’s Day When You’re Single
Besides the end of year holiday season, there is no other holiday that is quite as depressing for single people of all ages as Valentine’s Day. If you will probably be spending the holiday by yourself, you can defeat your V-Day blues by simply getting mentally prepared for it.
It’s Just Another Day!
Understand and accept that Valentine’s Day is just another day on the 365-day calendar of the year. It’s a holiday that was created and promoted by retailers to sell stuff. Make a firm decision that this holiday does not own you — it does not have any real effect on your life unless you let it. Stop torturing yourself.
If you have someone who wants to spend Valentine’s Day with you, then great, enjoy yourself. But if not, it isn’t the end of the world. Say this to yourself over and over again: “It’s just another day on the calendar.” Over time you may find that each February 14th transitions into the 15th with you barely even noticing.
Turn Off the Television and Social Media
Valentine’s Day is a media holiday. That means that the news, television shows and social media sites will organize whole segments to promote it. Valentine’s Day is a very lucrative holiday for advertisers — it is cash in the bank for many different types of businesses. So if you watch a lot of mainstream television in the week leading up to Valentine’s Day or browse social media often, be prepared to be deluged with ads for roses, diamond engagement rings, restaurant specials, boxes of chocolate and big teddy bears.
Instead, turn on Netflix and clean up your to-watch list with a nice dinner and some treats!
Attend an Anti-Valentine’s Day Event
A number of organizations plan anti-Valentine’s Day events to accommodate single people. Sometimes they turn out to actually be anti-anti-Valentine’s Day events because single people end up meeting each other. So if you know that you’ll most likely be alone on that day, make a reservation to attend one of these events instead of spending it at home alone. Bring another single friend if possible. You can find these events on Meetup, Craigslist and other similar websites.
If you look at every Valentine’s Day as a dreadful anniversary when you must celebrate your misery, you will continue to be a slave to it every year. Instead look at February 14th from a different point of view and you may find that it has absolutely no power over your life after all. It’s just a day. And if you maintain a positive mindset about attracting a good relationship, who knows — maybe one V-Day in the near future you’ll be on the other side of the so-called “fence,” enjoying the day with someone very special.
Love Lynn
Lynn Gilliard is a writer and transformational blogger. She is the author of a popular relationship guide entitled Let Him Chase YOU and a self-help guide entitled Survive, Live or Thrive?
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